LiFePO4 bateria pakete pertsonalizatua 72v 60ah Ibilgailu elektrikoen bateria litio ioi paketea EV autoetarako

2023-06-06 02:13


Bermea5 urte
Tentsio nominala76.8V
Gaitasun nominala[email protected]/customize
Barne erresistentzia≤50mΩ
Bizitza Zikloa4000 Cycles @ 0.2C Charging/Discharging ,Until 80% Capacity
Auto alta% ≤3,5 hilean 25 at
Karga Tentsio Gehienekoa87.6 V
Kargatzeko moduaAt 0℃~45℃ temperature, charged to 87.6  V at a constant current of 0.2C, and then,changed continuously with constant voltage of 87.6 V until the current was not more than 0.02C
Kargatzeko korrontea30A
Karga maximoko korrontea60A
Korrontea deskargatzen30A
Max. discharge Continuous Current60A
Gehienezko pultsu korrontea120A(<3S)
Ebaketa-tentsioa deskargatzea60V
Kargaren tenperatura0 ℃ eta 45 ℃ (32 ℉ eta 113 ℉) @ 60 ± 25% Hezetasun erlatiboa
Deskarga tenperatura-20 60 eta 60 ℃ (-4 ℉ eta 140 ℉) @ 60 ± 25% Hezetasun erlatiboa
Biltegiratze Tenperatura0 ℃ eta 45 ℃ (32 ℉ eta 113 ℉) @ 60 ± 25% Hezetasun erlatiboa
Uraren Hautsaren ErresistentziaIP55
Zelula eta formatuaLFP  60AH 24S1P/customize
KarkasaMetalezko kaxa
Neurria (L * W * H * TH)pertsonalizatu
TerminalM6 or Anderson or another bolt screw
Peak discharge current BMS60A
High temp port. Low temp port.over charge port. over discharge port.
Kargatzeko metodoaCC / CV
Terminal TypeM6 or Anderson or another bolt screw/customize
ZiurtagiriCE, RoHS ,MSDS and UN38.3 certification
applicationsGolf Carts, Electric Forklifts,Slow Speed Car; AGV,Electric Motorcycle; Sightseeing car;RV ,Tricycle, electric vehicles, Electric
Wheelchairs, Electric Power Systems, Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Solar Energy Storage Systems,BOATS


1.Support customization, according to the specifications required by customers: voltage, capacity, power, working current, size,weight.

2. Factory wholesale price, our factory has a price advantage. Cells of the same level are the cheapest, and you can choose the corresponding cells to make a battery pack according to your requirements.

3.Before placing Order please contact customer service to communicate the required specifications to confirm the price.


Gure Fabrika

Why to choose us?

* We have our own factory and company, which belong to an absolute integration of industry and trade.
* A large number of batteries are in stock.
* Have very good product resources.
* Good product quality and favorable price.
* The product is 100% original and brand new.
* 100% on time delivery. Fast delivery.(including battery pack <7 days).
* Long warranty 2-5 years.
* provide sample 2-7 days.
* Professional after-sales service.
* We have a complete industrial chain and professional engineers can make battery packs that satisfy you as quickly as
If you want to know more about the information, please free feel to contact me. Thanks!

Ontziratzea eta bidalketa


1). Carton Size: customized or based on actual weight and volume, best quality.

2). 5-layers exporting carton or customized outer packaging for paper bags;


1). By Express (3-30working days),there are express shipping or economic shipping,suitable for small quantity.

2). By Train(25-28days),for EU Country,including customs clearance, all the import tax fees and UPS delivery to the door.

3). By Sea (15-30 days), it suitable for regular mass production.

We cooperate with excellent international freight forwarding companies to provide cheap and efficient logistics services. If you have any shipping issues, please feel free to contact me.


ohiko galderak

G: Nola ordaindu behar dut? Zein ordainketa modu onartzen dituzu?
A: T/T, PayPal, Western Union.

G: Laginaren eskaera onargarria al da?
E: Bai, bateria gehienentzat kalitatea probatzeko lagin-aginduak arrazoizkoak eta onargarriak dira.

Q: Is your battery quality approved?
A: Yes, we guarantee that all cells are 100% original from Brand. And we will have full inspection of each cells and grouping them before assembling into battery packs. And all finished battery packs will be under a full inspection
before shipment.

Q: How can you prove that your cells are 100% original?
A: We can show you the original pack list and other related documents.

Q: what is your lead time if I placed an order?
A: For all products in stock, our lead time is within 2 working days after payment received. For these that we don't stock for the moment such as customized battery packs, the lead time is around 7-10 days.

Q: What is your warranty?
A: These situations not provide return nor refund:
1.After the assembly or assembly process happen any problem, such as the protection board connected to the wrong wire burned lead to battery damage, charger failure, the assembly error or unbalanced assembly, etc.
2. Kalteak eragindako kalteengatik, adibidez, bateria puztuta / soldatuta, kargak eragindako BMS babesik gabeko bateria.

Ohar: Bateria fabrikatzailea gara. Produktu guztiek ez dute txikizkako merkataritza onartzen, B2B negozioa bakarrik egiten dugu. Mesedez, jarri gurekin harremanetan produktuen prezioak lortzeko!