Golf Cart LiFePO4 Battery 51.2V 105Ah

2025-03-18 09:30


Tentsio nominala51.2V
Edukiera kalkulatua105Ah
Energia (KWH)5376WH
Deskarga etengabeko korrontea250A (can customize higher discharge)
Gailur-isurketaren korrontea500A
Dimension334*311*258mm(13.15X12.24X11.16 inch)
Ziklo luzeagoko bizitza> 4000

Golf Cart lithium Battery Feature
【Automotive Grade A LiFePO4 Battery Cells】ALL IN ONE utilizes Automotive Grade A LiFePO4 cells to achieve higher energy density, stable performance, and greater power. We are dedicated to green power solutions and are leaders in the LiFePO4 battery industry thanks to our top-grade cells and authoritative accreditation.
【Switch from Lead-Acid Today】 The lithium golf cart battery delivers powerful performance, ideal for tough terrains and enhancing your golf game, with arrange of up to 50 miles per charge, eliminating range anxiety.
【Smart Battery Monitor LCD】The ALL IN ONE lithium golf cart battery offers robust acceleration and performance, enabling users to conquer challenging terrain and extend their golf range up to 50 miles on a single charge.
【Exceptional Durability & Easy Installation】Lithium golf cart batteries offer over 4000 cycles, greatly exceeding the 300-500 cycles of lead-acid batteries, reducing replacement costs and total ownership expenses. The battery is 50% lighter and easy to install with no complex wiring.

Why Choose ALL IN ONE Golf Cart Batteries

1) A mailako gelaxka automatikoak
2)Ultra segurua BMS adimendunarekin
3) Barneko bateria-modulu sendo iraunkorra
4)Support high discharge current 250A/300A,higher power for hills climbing
5)BT monitoring/GPS Display/Heating optional
6) Zure logotipoa inprimatzea baterian
7)We can provide complete system solution, such as the charger, voltage reducer, bracket,etc
8) Egiaztatutako hornitzaile fidagarria, mantendu epe luzeko lankidetza herrialde ezberdinetako bezeroekin

Passed safety tests

Over-charge/Over-discharge Ability to withstand over-charge/withstand over-discharge, and there is no fire, no exploding and work well.
Short circuit Ability to withstand short circuit, and there is no fire, no exploding.
Acupuncture Ability to withstand nail puncturing, and there is no fire, no exploding
Thermal shock Ability to withstand thermal shock, and there is no fire, no exploding


Gure Fabrika

Our company currently offers three main categories of products

  1. Power Battery Modules: These are mainly used in golf carts, electric forklifts, sightseeing vehicles, pickup trucks, patrol cars, vintage cars, electric fire trucks, electric trains, electric forklifts, sweepers, AGVs, electric yachts, and more.
  2. Energy Storage Battery Modules: These are primarily used for home energy storage, communication power, and power maintenance systems.
  3. BMS Control Systems: This core technology is independently developed by our company to ensure the safety, stability, and efficient operation of battery systems.

Ontziratzea eta bidalketa

ohiko galderak

1.G. Bezeroaren marka egin al zenezake? 

A: Noski, OEM zerbitzu profesionala eskain genezake.

2.G. Zein da zure ordainketa baldintzak?
A: T / T% 30 gordailu gisa, eta% 70 entregatu aurretik. Saldoa ordaindu aurretik produktuen eta paketeen argazkiak erakutsiko dizkizugu.

3.G. Zein da zure entrega baldintzak?
A: EXW, FOB, CIF, DDP, etab

Q4. Zer moduz zure bateria entregatzeko denbora?
A: A: 5-25 lanegunetan aurretiazko ordainketa jaso ondoren. Entrega-denbora zehatza artikuluen eta eskaeraren kantitatearen araberakoa da.

5.G .: Nola egiten duzu gure negozioa epe luzerako eta harreman ona izateko?
A: 1. Kalitate ona eta prezio lehiakorra mantentzen ditugu gure bezeroek etekina ateratzeko;
2. Bezero guztiak errespetatzen ditugu gure lagun gisa eta zinez negoziatzen dugu eta haiekin lagun egiten dugu, nondik datozen.

Q6. Produktu hau segurua al da?
A: Gehiegizko karga, deskarga, tenperatura, zirkuitu laburra, akupuntura eta beste segurtasun proba batzuk gainditu ditu, ez suterik, ezta leherketarik ere.


Ohar: Bateria fabrikatzailea gara. Produktu guztiek ez dute txikizkako merkataritza onartzen, B2B negozioa bakarrik egiten dugu. Mesedez, jarri gurekin harremanetan produktuen prezioak lortzeko!