Parametroa | 48V 45Ah |
Lithium cell size | 27*148*92mm |
Karga-tentsio maximoa | 58,8V |
Deskarga mozteko tentsioa | 42V |
Karga-korronte estandarra | less than 5A |
Deskarga korronte estandarra | less than 40 A |
Reference weight | 13.6KG |
Funtzionamendu tenperatura
| Charging: 0ºC~45ºC |
Discharging:-20ºC~60ºC | |
Biltegiratze tenperatura | -5ºC~35ºC |
Funtsezko ezaugarriak
♦Longer Cycle Life : Offers up to 20 times longer cycle life and five times longer float/calendar life than lead acid battery ,
helping to minimize replacement cost and reduce total cost of ownership
♦Pisu arinagoa: berunezko bateria konparagarri baten pisuaren inguru. Berun-azido baterien ordezko "jaitsiera".
♦Potentzia handiagoa: berun azidoaren bateriaren bi aldiz potentzia ematen du, deskarga-tasa handia ere, energia-gaitasun handia mantenduz.
♦Tenperatura-tarte zabalagoa: -20 ℃ ~ 60 ℃
♦Superior Safety: Lithium Iron Phosphate chemistry eliminates the risk of explosion or combustion due to high impact overcharging or short circuit situation
Li-ion battery pack
Voltage:12v 14.8v 24v 29.6v 36v 48v 52v 60v 72v etc.
Capacity:8ah 10ah 12ah 12.5ah 15ah 20ah 25ah 30ah 35ah 40ah 50ah 60ah 80ah etc.
We have several outer case available
PVC,Stainless steel,Silver fish,Water bottle,Hailong,Frog,Rear rack etc.
Tell us your requirement(size,working power,outer case,packing&shipping etc) and we will do as to your request.
18650 Li-ion Battery Features & Advantages
- Safety: safest Li-Ion battery, CE MSDS ROSH approved, built in PCM/PCB, none fire or explosive
2. Energia garbia eta berdea, ez dago material toxikorik
3. Bateria indartsua
4. Bizi-ziklo luzea,% 80ko edukiera 500 aldiz ziklo sakonaren ondoren geratzen da.
5. Memoriaren eraginik ez, karga oso eraginkorra edozein unetan eta ez da kapazitatea murriztu
6. Operation temperature: -20~65°C
7.Tamaina txikia, pisu arina:
8. Errendimendu ona tenperatura altuarekin eta tenperatura altuarekin
9. Auto-alta tasa baxua: <% 3 hilero
- Argi: headlamp, emergency light, solar flashlight, searchlight, bicycle light, LED light, military
linterna, amaierako linterna, potentzia handiko linterna, linterna distiratsua. - Kanpoko kirol produktuak: camping light, mountain bike light, solaremergency light, self-defense flashlight,
- Kontsumo elektronikoa: MPS, Tablet PC. ordenagailu eramangarria, Bluetooth entzungailua, power banka, DVD erreproduzitzaile eramangarria,
speaker, microphone, sound equipment, audio, Digital camera. - Etxetresna elektrikoaren produktuak: electric mop, electric vacuum cleaner, electric children toys, electric shoes, electric blanket.
- Medical devices
- Instruments and meters: water meter, gas meter.
- Garraio elektrikoko ibilgailuak: electric bike, electric car, e-scooter, electric motor
- Tresna elektrikoak: zulagailu elektrikoa, segatzailea
Gure Fabrika
ALL IN ONE is a leading product manufacturer in the field of Lithium Battery system, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, and the factory located in Anhui Province .
Gure negozioen esparrua I + G, fabrikazio, merkaturatze eta salmenta, ingeniaritza eta zerbitzuetara hedatu da honako industriekin:
-Lio ioizko zilindriko bateria,
-Li-polimeroen bateria,
-LiFePO4 Battery,
-Electric Vehicle Power Battery,
-Battery Osagarriak
Bidalketa eta ontziratzea
- UPS / DHL / EMS / HK EMS / FEDEX / HK post / TNT and so on express(door to door)
- For Air Shipment, Please choose your prefered shipping method according your detail requirement.
- Sea transportation available,packed in wooden case,plz give us your detailed address and harbour.
- The shipping discount is different in different seasons and depend different weight, we will choose the cheapest and safest way according your detail quantity.
- Normally, it will take around 3-9days from China to destination country by express, 1-3days to some remote places.
(1). Nola egin eskaera?
Please kindly send us an email specification of the item, quantity, payment
or other specification to place an order.
(2). Does your battery meet CE RoHS requirements?
Gure bateria CE / RoHS ziurtagiriarekin dago.
(3). Nola bidaliko lirateke salgaiak?
UPS, DHL, FEDEX eta itsas garraioaren bidez bidaltzen ditugu normalean.
(4). Inprimatu al dezakezu nire argazkia edo logotipoa bateriaren estalkian?
Bai, OEM-a eskuragarri dago, zure argazkia edo logotipoa bateriaren maletategian inprima dezakegu eta zure logotipoa eskain dezakezu.
(5). Nolako bermea ematen duzu?
The warranty time is 1 year .